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Health is more valuable than wealth. Whereas health is the major capital of life. For
every human being, wealth is the running cost. The first condition to
living is health. It is the healthy condition that allow you to know what
you have and what you do not. It is sound health that triggers you to
explore which business is more profitable and which is not. It is
also this very sound health that leads you into believing you can be the
next governor in your state, or president of the nation.

However, as health is very important, wealth is the running cost.
Sound health needs to be maintained, and nothing could be useful in
maintaining it than wealth. To maintain hygienic nutrition, money needed. Wealth as well is a security to save guard the heart from the
challenges of heart attack, diabetes, henea and other deedly diseases. Rest
of mind and equanimity of the heart are maintained with sound health and

However, you should be aware and beware that the following factors could
deter your health;and these indude:

Daily stress, Depression, intake of harmful substances lack of
sleep, Junk foods.

One of the major determent to health is intake of harmful
substances. These harmful substances include alcohol, smoking and other
harmful substances  These intake affect both the physical and mental health and fitness
of human being they affect the maintained. It shorten the blood and leads
to malfunctioning the brain. The intaker becomes very weak. He is no more
control of his life. The systems are affected drastically. The only way out
is to stop drinking alcohol and move away from drug intake. Public
constitution should also wage ware against it. Because the efforts of the
drunkard will unavoidably affect the community. There is no limitation to
the vices it will cause to the society.

Jank food is another health hazard. It is apparently self-appealing
especially when one is outside his comfort station. Jurk food fast food
artificial or refined ingredients, which have lose their netural flavor and
quality. Human body is mode of natural substances and absorbs more is
netural to it. However, refined sourced food only dissipate to this to the
body which eventually agranates the in balances in the body. The only way
out is to stop eating fast food, juns and other eateries.

Stressis another phenomenon that can easily deter your health. The stress
is as a result of the activities what one has gone through and continous
pressureon train probably in taking some logical chellenges that Is giving
strand to the reasoning facilities. This is common with banhes, researched
and other strength thaty affects man to the physically and metally sitting
under our condition. Wheather bankers do does not sult the problem. The
only way out is to relax the day work. GO for shower and have a deep rest
sleep. Depression is another challenge to the health. Depression is as a
result of continuous persistent stress. When stress persist for longer
period it feeds to depression. The only way out is to discard the issue on
ground that is causing the acessant depression.

Sleepless nights is another great chellenges to


Healthy food for healthy living
Everybody knows the importance of food but not everybody shows any concern about what he eats.
Some even believes all you need is to take food on regular bases that is why many do not mind what they take. It has become the habit of some that he should eat egg at every meal never mind what danger lies with it. Some make it an obligation to drink tea, but never mind when, why and how it should be taken nor what type of tea to take as per the component of the tea.
Through eating sometimes, some have caused themselves a persistent sickness.
Imagine a person who can't do without sugary tea. What do you think could be the consequence; diabetes, heamorhoids, obesity and a host of other threatening diseases is very chose for that innocent person.
This situation therefore calls for some enlightenment as to what to eat and drink, when to, how to what to of these eating and drinking habits.
This therefore call for healthy food. Since health is absence of diseases one needs to take diseases free food to stay healthy
Food is about feeling great having more energy, improving health and stabilising your mood.
Healthy food is to grant you feeling great and confident everyday, providing more energy, improving your health enhancing stable mood and send off or ward off any sickness.
The best food to take to meet up with the above goal should be one from natural sources rather than chunks that are more common out there. So,food with healthy source such as plant are more useful in the body than refined bread and white rice.  Fish should be given high priority as well as poutry meat and egg.


    Health is the number one requirement of every living
soul, especially man. Without sound health,there is nothing you can do
successfully. The question you will want to ask is  ''What is
   Many peaple will want to define health as complete absence of
disease. This statement is true. However,to understand fully what
health and to archieve the sound health individual needs, one should
know that health doesn't end only with physical appearance. Therefore,
to be healthy means to be healthy bodily,mentally, psycologically and spiritually.
With bodily healthy, you will be able to carry out your daily routine
efficiently. With mental health,your response to stimuli should be
accurate and precise. Nay, you will not be contradictory  in your
utterances and performances.
     Psycological health means a lot in every human being. Positive
psycological state of human being means a high level of health. This
will save you from calamities of hypetension,stroke and host of other
health challenges.
Spiritual health is your sound relationship with the creator

In order to stay healthy, one needs to compliment the above facts with
not only the knowledge of it but with practical steps to archieve the
reality. To be physically healthy,that is bodily health,one should
make sure every intake should be healthy. Eat fresh,well cooked foods
and fruits. Avoid unriped fuits intake,unproccessed or semi-processed
food. Never go alcoholic. Take only health complimentry drinks. Avoid
high level sugary content drinks. Take sufficient water everyday.
Remember,man is made up of 80% water.

Furthermore, to be menally health,you should undergo or  imbibe
yourself in every activities that will promote you mentally. You
should do enough excercises everyday.
As you are excercing yourself,you are improving your physical and
mental health. If you are a student ,excercise opens the doors of your
brain for easy assimilation. Soft games can also improves you
mentally. But remember to do this for the of improving yourself
mentally and you not allow it to consume much of your time, yet yot
regret doing so.

Psycological health happens to be the most serious of all the phases
of good health. The reason is that we relates with fellow human being
on this platform. Man acts out of normal when psycological health is
on threat. Behaviour is inordinate,the utterances is  abnormal.
Everything is out of order. The major caurses of  this state is
carelessness at higher level. It is this act of carelessness that lead
man to psycological problem.

To be psycologically fit, one should avoid
alcoholism, drug, sleeplessness and a host of things that can render man
useless,and out of human positive nature.