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    Health is the number one requirement of every living
soul, especially man. Without sound health,there is nothing you can do
successfully. The question you will want to ask is  ''What is
   Many peaple will want to define health as complete absence of
disease. This statement is true. However,to understand fully what
health and to archieve the sound health individual needs, one should
know that health doesn't end only with physical appearance. Therefore,
to be healthy means to be healthy bodily,mentally, psycologically and spiritually.
With bodily healthy, you will be able to carry out your daily routine
efficiently. With mental health,your response to stimuli should be
accurate and precise. Nay, you will not be contradictory  in your
utterances and performances.
     Psycological health means a lot in every human being. Positive
psycological state of human being means a high level of health. This
will save you from calamities of hypetension,stroke and host of other
health challenges.
Spiritual health is your sound relationship with the creator

In order to stay healthy, one needs to compliment the above facts with
not only the knowledge of it but with practical steps to archieve the
reality. To be physically healthy,that is bodily health,one should
make sure every intake should be healthy. Eat fresh,well cooked foods
and fruits. Avoid unriped fuits intake,unproccessed or semi-processed
food. Never go alcoholic. Take only health complimentry drinks. Avoid
high level sugary content drinks. Take sufficient water everyday.
Remember,man is made up of 80% water.

Furthermore, to be menally health,you should undergo or  imbibe
yourself in every activities that will promote you mentally. You
should do enough excercises everyday.
As you are excercing yourself,you are improving your physical and
mental health. If you are a student ,excercise opens the doors of your
brain for easy assimilation. Soft games can also improves you
mentally. But remember to do this for the of improving yourself
mentally and you not allow it to consume much of your time, yet yot
regret doing so.

Psycological health happens to be the most serious of all the phases
of good health. The reason is that we relates with fellow human being
on this platform. Man acts out of normal when psycological health is
on threat. Behaviour is inordinate,the utterances is  abnormal.
Everything is out of order. The major caurses of  this state is
carelessness at higher level. It is this act of carelessness that lead
man to psycological problem.

To be psycologically fit, one should avoid
alcoholism, drug, sleeplessness and a host of things that can render man
useless,and out of human positive nature.

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